Tanith Carey

Tanith Carey

Author 13 books on psychology/parenting in 35 languages: 'Feeling Blah?', What's My Child/Teen Thinking?', The Friendship Maze", Taming The Tiger Parent'

Appears in 3 Episodes

Ep 284: Understanding Your Tween: The Journey of Growth

Tanith Carey, author of What's My Tween Thinking?, returns to discuss the distinct challenges and opportunities of parenting tweens, focusing on identity development, ...

Ep 252: Feeling Blah? Recapture Life's Highs

Tanith Cary, author of Feeling Blah?, clues us in on the science behind anhedonia, the technical term for “feeling blah.” Teens are reporting high levels of depression...

Ep 90: What's Your Teen Thinking?

Tanith Carey, prolific author and journalist, joins us to talk about all the knowledge packed into her latest book, What’s My Teenager Thinking?. Tanith takes us behin...

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